Direct Billing
At Humanity Wellness we are committed to making your appointment as streamline as possible. During your intake form you can add a photo of the front and back of your insurance card. If you don’t have your insurance card with you, simple send it to our receptionist at so our reception team can add your insurance into our system.
Who do you direct Bill for?
Pacific Blue Cross Providernet
Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance
D.A Townley
Desjardins Insurance
Industrial Alliance
Johnson Inc.
Johnston Group Inc.
Manulife Financial
Sunlife Financial
Group Health
Green Shield
Empire Life
Equitable Life
Group Source
How much does my insurance cover per treatment?
Check your Direct Billing Information
It is worth checking prior to your appointment that your extended health plan covers your healthcare provider you are booked in to see and your coverage amount.
Book An Appointment & Arrive
You will be sent an intake form where you can take a photo of the front and back of your insurance card.
After your appointment we will process your insurance and if there is an outstanding amount we will charge the remainder of the outstanding amount with the credit card on your file. This will only be used to pay if the deductible doesn’t cover the full amount. -
Receive receipts and confirmation
After your appointment we will put your direct billing through and you will receive confirmation of amount paid / co-pay amounts.
Insurance for subsequent appointments?
Once we have all of your insurance information in our system your return visits are seamless and you can enjoy your treatment at Humanity Wellness.
If you have any questions or concerns about insurance please contact our reception team at